Blue Square Blog
Check back often for articles full of helpful tips for managing the mental health of you and your family.

Anxiety in the New Year
As we step into a new year, it's common to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. While it's a time for fresh beginnings and opportunities, it can also bring about feelings of stress and anxiety.

Breaking Down What It Means To Be a Highly Sensitive Person
Being a Highly Sensitive Person can feel challenging. So many things that an “average” person wouldn’t even blink twice at, can be incredibly overstimulating for someone who is an HSP. It’s not unheard of for family and friends of HSPs to criticize them and tell them to “toughen up”.

Tapping to Wellness with EFT
EFT is a body-centered therapy. It is known by many names (emotional freedom technique, tapping, psychological acupressure) and follows the same principles as acupuncture. It follows a specific pattern of tapping on the body with focused breathing. Studies have shown positive results from using EFT in conjunction with more traditional treatment options.

Engage Your Mind, Body, and Spirit with Art Therapy
The “American Art Therapy Association” defines art therapy as an integrative mental health and human services profession that enriches the lives of individuals, families, and communities through active art-making, creative process, applied psychological theory, and human experience within a psychotherapeutic relationship. Art therapy allows people to express how they are feeling through a variety of mediums.

Staying Connected in our Virtual World
Finding ways to stay connected is difficult in the most ideal of situations. Social connection is a very real human need. Feeling like you aren’t alone is a vital component of overall well-being. Having time to get together with others isn’t always possible. How do we find ways to stay connected, especially when we are faced with less-than-ideal circumstances?

Finding Balance
If I had a penny for the number of times I thought about taking a moment to focus on my self-care and then found myself taking care of someone or something else instead, I’d be a billionaire! I’m wagering a guess that many of you have been in this exact same predicament: there never seems to be enough time for me and everything else.

When is bad behavior a sign of something else?
As parents and caregivers you are doing your best to provide for your family emotionally, financially, and educationally.

Disciplining your kids with love and dignity
Parenting isn’t easy. Some days can be wonderfully fulfilling and go just as planned while others quickly turn into a horror show. Here are some tips and resources to help you manage the emotional ups and downs of parenting without losing your cool and help your kids regain theirs.

Quick and Easy Ideas for Managing Stress and Anxiety
Anxiety and stress are part of our everyday lives. Sometimes we need a quick reminder to stop and reset before moving froward and coping with more of life’s curve balls.

Limiting Tech Time During COVID-19
Perhaps because of the current state of affairs, many of us are wondering if we are doing the “right” thing as parents: loosening screen time limits, allowing more freedom with social media (I’m letting my kids use tik tok?!), relaxing expectations for chores, getting dressed, and eating at meal times. Right now the goal is to keep things moving forward in a relatively smooth manner. And it can be done while still honoring your values, beliefs, and parenting expectations.

Setting and Keeping a Schedule
Keeping to a schedule is hard at any time. Right now this is an even more difficult process. Setting up a schedule that works for you and your family may help to get things running more smoothly. It also helps structure the day and keep everyone more focused on the task at hand.

Finding a Therapist in Billerica, MA
Most people wait a long time before they seek out counseling. You are a self-sufficient person. You do your best. You use your coping skills. You talk to friends. You try exercise, maybe yoga. And it is only when everything you can think of doesn't work, that you reach out to see if therapy or counseling might help!